Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Calla's First Easter!

This Easter was Calla's very first Easter! I think she had a very good one! We started the morning with homemade cinnamon rolls, pigs in a blanket, and fresh cut up pineapple. We had to eat at 6 in the morning because Tim had to go to work from 7-12.

Calla was asleep while we ate breakfast.

After Tim got home we skyped for a little bit with Grandma and Grandpa Peterson and Great Grandma Mega. It was fun to talk to them! We then took some pictures all dressed up in our Easter clothes (well Calla in her Easter clothes :))

We then went to church. Calla was just babbling away during relief society. You would think she was trying to teach the lesson! During Sacrament meeting she did the same thing. She is a funny little girl :) We left church a little early so we could make it to Tim's parent's house in time for dinner. But before that we had to give Calla her Easter basket!

Yes, she is only 5 months old, but it was more for me to have fun! She does like her stuffed animal though! I have a video of us showing her her basket from the Easter Bunny, but I can't get it to load. I will post it probably tomorrow :) There was a lot of family there which was fun and made for a great Easter! We fed Calla then put her straight to bed, she was exhausted from all of the attention! So I think Calla had a pretty great first Easter!  

In other news, Tim and I have found us a place to live! We found a pretty new condo in Pleasant Grove to rent out. It is 3 bed 2 bath and 1200 square feet! It also has an awesome kitchen and master bath! We are moving in on May 10th! Yay! :)

I will be posting some videos of Calla hopefully tomorrow! She has been laughing all morning and we got a little glimpse of it on camera!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Calla's first solid foods/4 month well baby checkup!

Calla had her 4 month well-baby check up yesterday. The doctor said she looks really good! She weighs 12 pounds 7 ounces now which puts her in the 25th percentile. She is 24 and a half inches long, which puts her in the 70th percentile, and her head is in the 50th percentile! It was a very interesting appointment, seeing as when we got there she had a HUGE blowout of poo in her diaper, add that to her being asleep when we got there and that makes her a very unhappy baby to be at the doctor. She also got her second round of shots :(. Poor baby! At least she was happy for the actual doctor. He said she is a very curious and active baby, which is good. He also thinks she has started to develop a little bit of stranger awareness early, which isn't bad, but will be a little bit difficult! Overall she is doing very well. She sleeps through the night (about 10 hours a night), and is a happy little girl! She will have her next appointment at 6 months. I can't believe she's already getting to that point!

In other news, the doctor told us to go ahead and try giving her some solid baby food. He said that he thinks she will take to it pretty quickly and he was right! Here is a video of her eating some sweet potatoes (we tried some peas and she did not like them at all, but she loves the sweet potatoes!) 

Yay sweet potatoes!

Messy girl!

Trying to suck on her arm... :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Meet the Great Grandparents!

Last night Calla got to meet her great grandma and grandpa Peterson! It was such a treat! We visited for a little bit, and Calla was all smiles :). Then we went to dinner! It was a great night! :)

In other news, Calla has also started rolling over from tummy to back! It is so fun to watch her roll and look at me like now what mom? Things have been pretty crazy lately with Tim starting full time at the Ranches and Thanksgiving Point and still going to school. Calla and I just stay home, run errands and have some fun! Calla is also starting to get a little tooth! (I think...) haha, it is hard to tell, but something white is starting to barely break through her gums on the bottom and she is very very drooly, so I think so! Calla is a little over 12 pounds now and she has her 4 month well baby check-up next Monday, so we will get some more of growth numbers! She is also sleeping about 10 hours in a row at night, it is wonderful! If she doesn't sleep through the night, she will only wake up once. She is a pretty content little girl, most of the time... haha. Nothing new is really going on with Tim and I, Tim is just busy busy busy!

Tim got a cute picture of Calla in his hat, here it is!