Around 6 a.m. I called Labor and Delivery to make sure they had a room for me to come in. They had plenty of rooms available, which was good because I sure did not want to wait like I had to when I was induced with Calla. When I got there they got me all checked in and I had to put on a hospital gown. The nurse then started my IV, took my blood pressure, and did some blood work. The IV is started and ready just in case they have to do an emergency c-section if there were to be any complications with the baby. This is also why it is done in labor and delivery during a c-section time, so they have an operating room for you just in case. The nurse then asked me all of the fun questions about my medical history and things like that. Once all of that was done, she put on Owen's heart monitor and my contraction monitor and basically had me monitored like this for half an hour to 45 minutes. Around 8 or so, my doctor came in to do an Ultrasound. He came over and started looking and noticed that the Placenta was directly in front of Owen's face and that I had only a moderate amount of fluid. He kept looking and said he didn't think it would work, but that they would try everything they could. He went out and talked with his partner and they both came in and he showed him the ultrasound, where he realized maybe the placenta wasn't quite has high as he thought it was, which was good. So then they gave me a shot of something that was supposed to relax my uterus to prevent contractions during the procedure. Once that was ready, they began! His partner had the Ultrasound going, while my doctor turned Owen. Now at this point, I didn't watch, so I don't know exactly what it looked like, but according to Tim he basically pushed Owen up around his head a butt and put pressure around his head and butt to get him to somersault into the head down position. My doctor said it would hurt and to tell him to stop if I couldn't handle it anymore. I found it to be just really uncomfortable, because I felt like I couldn't breathe very well. At one point, my doctor started to kind of jiggle my belly to get him to get completely head down, which definitely tickled! It was hard not to laugh. The only other thing I felt was kind of nauseated because I could feel his little body just turning and it was such a weird feeling! This whole thing lasted about 1 minute and I looked up and said is he already down?! They looked at the ultrasound and found his heartbeat first, which looked great, and then confirmed his head was indeed down! Everyone in the room was very pleasantly surprised! They said Owen had no problem and wasn't even phased by the whole thing which was a HUGE relief! My doctor then decided to check my cervix to see how dilated I was. I was 3 cm dilated and 25% effaced and he could feel his head and possibly a hand next to his little face, which Owen's hand has since moved of course :) I was then put back on the heart and contraction monitors for about another half an hour to make sure that Owen was not in distress, which he definitely was not, he did perfectly!
So my doctor sat and talked to us for a little bit and told us what happens next. He said if he will stay head down, then he would like to induce me at 39 weeks. We will be scheduling my induction on Monday assuming he is still head down for either July 3 or 5! The other thing that could happen, is if Owen decides to turn back to breech, than my doctor will have us do another ECV, break my water, and induce me right then and there! I feel pretty confident that he will not turn back, but I guess you never know right! Overall, I had a really great version experience! I was so happy with how it turned out and my doctor was so great with the whole thing! I definitely think I have the best doctor ever :) I sure hope we are still in Utah for the next two babies (which won't be for a few years, don't worry :)), so he can be the one to deliver them!