Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Calla's 6-month Well Baby Checkup!

Calla had her 6-month well baby checkup yesterday. She did great! He did a few little things to see if she was able to them, like hold out a tongue depresser and see if she would grab it, put it in her mouth, and put it in the other hand. She passed with flying colors! Here are her current stats: weight: 14 lbs. 12 ounces (25th percentile); height 26.2 inches (60th percentile); and head circ. 17 inches (50-60th percentile). She also got her round of shots, she was upset before the nurse even started! I think she knows that table by now and cries instantly when placed on it. She is always very happy for the doctor though, so that is good! The doctor said that we can now start mashing up what we eat and let her try it! We are pretty excited about that seeing as she is always sticking her hand in our food and trying to eat it! Her next appointment is at 9 months, but the doctor is already booked until the middle of September, so it will have to be when she is 10 and a half months! She doesn't have to get shots at that one, thankfully, just a checkup! I can't believe she is already 6 months old! Time is flying by. I miss how little she was, but I love the stage of life she is in now. She is always giggling, smiling, babbling, and playing and I love it! It's so fun to watch her develop into a little girl with a fun personalitly :)
I have also started using cloth diapers. I know, you make think I am crazy haha. I started researching them to see how much money we would actually save. It is quite a bit! You have to spend some money up front to get your stash going, but over a couple of years, you save a lot of money. I use the Charlie Banana cloth diapers. They are the pocket diaper, so you have inserts that go in them. They have washable inserts, which I use on a daily basis, but they also have disposable ones for when you are out and about. The disposable work well for babysitting, I don't think Tim's parents mind :) haha. They work really well and are not that hard to wash them and all that good stuff! They are much softer on Calla's little bummy and she seems to be okay with them as well! (I think she could really care less what kind of diaper she is wearing at this age!) I would reccommend cloth diapering to anyone who wants to save money or be good for the environment! The one thing I have noticed, is that you can't let them sit for even a couple of days between washes, because they start to hold the smell of pee, so you have to wash 1 load everyday, not that hard. I love them and thought I should share! :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

6-month old Calla!

Calla is now 6 months old and becoming super curious and energetic. She laughs a lot and is constantly babbling. She is so cute! Here are a couple of videos of her babbling and giggling!

Here she is sitting by herself!
 And falling over... but still smiling!
 And again with no pants!

Something else Calla has gotten really good at is sitting by herself! She can do it for a really long time and has good balance, you just have to sit by her because she randomly falls over haha! She is so much fun and we can tell she just wants to crawl so badly! She rolls a lot now and and can lift her chest up off of the floor when on her tummy. She has her 6 month well baby check up this month so I will put up her numbers when we get them!

Tim has been very busy lately with work and teaching golf lessons! He has a lot of students now. He works so hard and I am so proud of him, he is such a good provider for our family. I am loving staying home with Calla. She keeps me busy that's for sure! We just hang out, play, eat and sleep haha :) And of course change diapers! I have started using cloth diapers, which I surprisingly LOVE! I will write a post about them soon :) The three of us also got to go to Idaho for our nephew, Mathew's blessing. It was so much fun to see everyone! We miss everyone so much already!  Calla misses everyone, she loved all of the attention :) We hope we can come to Texas this summer! We also just moved into our new condo in Pleasant Grove. We love it! It is so nice and big :) Pictures to come a little later :) I must go do the dishes now, but I will write more updates later!