Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Family Update!

I figured it was time for a little update on what our little family has been up to lately! Tim has been about the same since my last update, but with a few new excitements. He was recently put on Callaway Staff. Basically what this means is he gets a lot of free Callaway products for free just to use them to promote the brand Callaway. It is like having a sponsor without getting paid haha. Apparently this is a very big deal and I am so excited for him! We also figured out he just has 3 more semesters until he graduates, yay! He will also be starting his new job this week as the Assistant Pro for the Ranches, which he will become even more busy than he is now! As for me, I am about the same. I stay home and watch the little munchkin. I can't complain though, it is an awesome job :). I have also decided to switch my major from teaching to nursing. Big change, I know haha. I just haven't been into the whole teaching thing lately and have started to become very interested in nursing, so hopefully everything will work out and I can get into the program. Thankfully I haven't declared my major yet! I have also been sick, so that is no fun, but thankfully Calla and Tim have not gotten it yet, and hopefully won't! There is a lot to update on Calla! She is growing and changing everyday. She is just over 11 pounds and 3 and a half months old (15 weeks tomorrow). I have also been starting her on a bottle or two of formula a day. It has been a lot easier, and she gets a nice big bottle at night before she goes to sleep. I am still breastfeeding the majority of the time though. She seems to really like formula though, so that is good :). haha. We have started her on a new nightly routine. We get her in her pajamas around 9, feed her a bottle around 9:15 and then read her a story from her new Disney Princess bedtime stories book. After that we put her straight to bed no matter if she is awake or not, and she goes right to sleep. She doesn't even cry anymore when we put her in the crib! She sleeps pretty well at night, sometimes as much as 8-10 hours in a row, and others about 4. Developmentally, she is getting pretty good at holding her head up. She still doesn't use her arms much, she prefers to do the super baby. haha. She also has really been into playing with her hands lately and is getting much better control over holding on to things and grabbing things. She almost put her paci in all by herself the other day! She is also laughing more, making more new noises and getting very close to rolling over! She also loves to stand. Her favorite is if you hold her hands and let her stand on the ground or on your legs. She has very strong legs! And one last thing, she is getting more and more hair! It's very light so it is still hard to see in pictures and videos, but in the sun her eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair are red! As a family, we are thinking about buying a house. If we find one that we just love, we will probably go for it! We will be moving to the Lehi, Eagle Mountain area so Tim can be closer to work. We are very excited!

Here is a video of Calla on her Tummy, she was doing a lot more before I started recording. Typical me, I realize I should be recording things way after she has been doing them. But here she is!

Here is her Princess Bedtime Story Book :) It has 19 stories in it!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Calla Laughing!

Ever since my last post Calla has been a bit stubborn and not wanting to laugh, so I couldnt get a good video. Well, today I was sitting in front of her and I turned my head upside down to shake my hair out and she just busted out laughing! So I kept doing it and she was laughing so hard her eyes were watering. By the time I realized I should be recording this she had slowed down a bit and I had to move her for the video, so she was distracted, but here is a little glimpse of her grunty little laugh! (sorry for the shakiness, it's hard to hold a camera and shake your head upside down at the same time :)).